Monday, November 5, 2012

The little things

"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of,  
his and mine are the same." 
-Emily Bronte
             Ever get that feeling of utter contentment? For me it does not come easily. But with a past like mine who would have an easy time feeling content?
             I am in the process if studying for my Chemistry so I'm just a little loopy and had to take a break before my brain went boom. Right now, in this moment, I am content. Or as content as I can be. I have my family, mostly, and my animals. My boyfriend and I have our own small family of four with Diesel and Stetson, and we are both doing well in school.
            I am not satisfied with my life but I'll get there eventually. There's so much I still want to do but unfortunately those things cost money and time, both of which I'm a little short on at the moment. Oh Italy, looks like you must wait! Hopefully I'll be able to go there on my honeymoon, if not sooner! I just wish Rosetta Stone software wasn't so expensive!

Sicily, Italy

Monday, October 29, 2012

You forgot to mention

College is supposed to be the greatest time of your life,right?
There are a lot of things that get left out when it comes to college talks, like: What about the city around the college? How do you make a good schedule? Who's your adviser and how does that work?Living in Florence has got to be one of the worst ideas of my life. Why did I choose to go to UNA again? Oh yea, it was cheap and Auburn didn't give me enough money.
People forget to mention all the little things that you really need to know. Needless to say, I'm figuring it out as I go along. It ain't easy juggling a job, school, relationship, and a new puppy. I'll get it right eventually, after all nothing ever comes easy.

I have a meeting with my adviser tomorrow to try and figure out my schedule for next semester. Yay for being a biology major, not.